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Issue No. 3 – June 2021

Welcome to our third newsletter, our first as a Society!

I wanted to say a special 'thank you' to you our members for supporting us over the short time we have been running and for helping us get to where we are today.

In little over a year, we have gone from just a handful of students meeting at UKSEDS 2020 to a Space Science Club which has been named UKSEDS branch of the year 2021 and now we are a Society with just under 400 members.

It has truly been a wonderful experience and a personal honour for me to be involved alongside my studies. The committee continue to work hard to ensure the society goes from strength to strength and we have some wonderful plans we are working on.

We always welcome your ideas and involvement, after all the society is here because of you all!

I hope you enjoy this issue. All the best
Tracy Thompson (she/her)
Open University Space Society Chair

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©2023 Captain Tardi McTardiface is property of the Open University Space Society & the Society mascot. 

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